David Bernstein

My latest articles

David Bermstein

Willing believers

Sometimes, all it takes is the whiff of a new perfume or, in this case, its name to set a train of thought in motion. Paul Smith’s Optimistic does it

David Bermstein

Enlightened thinking

The Royal Society of Arts is clearly looking to connect its proud past with the future using the new strapline ’21st century enlightenment’. David Bernstein says it is no empty

David Bermstein

Deputy dawgs

They are the boss’ right-hand men and often, crucially, a go-between to the creative team. David Bernstein considers the challenging and complex role of the assistant manager

David Bermstein

One big mess

The coalition Government says that it is trying to balancethe books, but ransacking our priceless brand heritage may not be the best way to do it, argues David Bernstein

Mad Men-tality

Honestly addressing negative consumer perceptions is often the simplest solution to the trickiest creative brief, as a noted ad guru from the 1960s discovered. David Bernstein agrees

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