How much should you earn?

Are you overpaid, underpaid or right on the money? Find out how much you should be earning with the Design Week Salary Calculator.

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As part of the 2015 Design Week Salary Survey, you can match your pay against average salaries in the industry using the Design Week Salary Calculator.

The Salary Calculator uses the results from our survey – which saw more than 1,500 designers polled on their pay – to show average salaries across job titles, disciplines and geographic areas.

So find out if you’re overpaid, underpaid or right on the money – you can use the Design Week Salary Calculator here.

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  • lauragrant designer April 13, 2015 at 8:56 am

    This is one of the most infuriating things I have ever curiously used. But answering 3 incredibly vague questions, the third being: ‘are you male or female’!!! To then be told ‘you are overpaid’. Complete rubbish by design.

  • Laurie Booker April 13, 2015 at 9:29 am

    There isn’t an option for Business Development or Marketing job titles – perhaps it’s been overlooked. Shame if it has!

  • Jamie Gregory April 13, 2015 at 10:07 am

    Forever being told to charge what we’re worth in this industry, when you do so you answer 3 questions to be confronted with “you’re being paid too much”.

  • Gary Lawson April 13, 2015 at 10:28 am

    Going by this I am £20,000 underpaid, and that doesn’t take into account that I actually work across all of these disciplines at the same time… Packaging, Branding, Graphics, Print and Digital ? I am also a Creative Director, Design Director, Senior Artworker, Account Manager, Marketing Consultant….

    Anyone want to offer me a job with a salary that truly reflects my skills, output and 30 years of experience? oh and would also give me weekends off? … I’m here

  • Sean O'Mara April 13, 2015 at 5:51 pm

    It took 6 questions for me to feel I was worthless. What the hell??. Its rubbish. I know for a fact the salaries quoted are way wrong in regards to London. Effectively it was saying if you don’t own the company you will earn very low wages. Not sure where you get your figures from but we pay our staff way more than that and are happy to do so. You could probably earn a better salary selling brass monkeys on Ebay.

    • Angus Montgomery April 14, 2015 at 9:47 am

      Hi Laura, Jamie and Sean,

      Sorry you are unhappy with the calculator. It’s based on the results of our salary survey of more than 1,500 design professionals and we’ve tried to make it as accurate as possible but inevitably there will be areas where the results are imperfect. Additionally Laura and Jamie your points about the wording are noted and we’ve changed that.

      Laurie, you might want to take a look at our sister title Marketing Week’s recent salary survey for information about marketing roles:

      And Gary, you sound eminently employable – sadly we’ve nothing going at the moment but maybe – if you’ll excuse the plug 😉 – you could check out our jobs section:



  • Dan Barber May 14, 2015 at 10:32 am

    Dear Angus,

    A slightly late comment, but I have to say I and a couple of other colleagues were quite astonished to be given the blunt response “you’re being paid too much” after completing your salary survey.

    WTF? Surely a message along the lines of: “well done you, for exceeding the often low levels of renumeration designers in this country suffer”

    As a trade publication in the design sector, shouldn’t Design Week be supporting, and promoting higher pay for designers, who often struggle to meet ends meet after working often long, long hours?

    I note that you say the wording has now been changed, but really, who’s side are you on?


  • S.J - June 3, 2015 at 10:48 am

    Late to the party, but where are all the other job roles? Strategy, business development, visualisers, planners? In the calculator I got the very helpful result

    ‘The average salary for this role is £0’

    I hope you didn’t pay a lot of money for the commission or build of this Angus. It reads like a cheap ad for recruitment agencies. Shallow, mis-informed, and under representative. It was useless – and isn’t the point of our whole industry to be useful?

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