UK creative industries worth £71bn a year and fastest-growing sector

The UK’s creative industries are worth £71.4 billion a year, according to new Government statistics.

Chancellor George Osborne

Source: Altogetherfool

Chancellor George Osborne

The sector grew by almost 10 per cent in 2012, outperforming all other sectors of UK industry, according to the Department for Culture, Media and Sport.

The creative industries as a whole now account for just over 5 per cent of the UK economy, according to the report. It also accounts for 8 per cent of UK exports – valued at £15.5 billion.

The figures show that design is worth £2.5 billion a year. The DCMS classifies design as being product, graphic and fashion design.

The figures also show that crafts are worth £248 million a year, publishing is worth £9.7 billion a year and advertising and marketing is worth £10 billion a year.

Employment in the design sector, meanwhile, rose by 16 per cent in 2012, to 116 000 people. The creative industries as a whole account for 1.68 million jobs.

Culture Secretary Maria Miller says, ‘These incredible statistics are confirmation that the Creative Industries consistently punch well above their weight, outperforming all the other main industry sectors, and are a powerhouse within the UK economy.

‘We are committed to ensuring that the energy, innovation, skills and talent existing in this dynamic sector continues to translate into economic success, and provide a remarkable platform from which, we can showcase Britain to the world.’

Nicola Mendelsohn, chair of the Creative Industries Council – a joint forum for the creative industries and Government that features the Sorrell Foundation and the Design Council – says the council is working on developing a growth strategy for the sector.

Mendelsohn says, ‘It’s vital that the right framework is in place to nurture and support the industry… We will identify how all involved can ensure the creative industries continue to go from strength to strength.’

You can read the DCMS report in full here.

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  • Simon Manchipp November 30, -0001 at 12:00 am

    Strong performance results.

    Imagine what Designers could do if they actually had a higher profile — as a sector — greater public respect and were brought into projects earlier to help bring about significant change and value to products, services and organisations.

    Designers are often still treated as the people who ‘took art at school because they were not very good at adding up’.

    ‘A powerhouse in the UK economy’ should be supported and debated in mass media channels.

    Testament to this lack of importance laid before design is the absence of discussion. There is still no regular Design Critic in any UK national newspaper.

    Architecture, Art, Food, Fashion, Politics and of course Celebrity all have rafts of them.

    Where’s the intelligent debate and comment on Design — the sector that out performed all others? It simply does not exist in any credible form.

    Design needs to have a stage to be seen — rather than simply shelves to be stocked upon.

    The occasional mention by an Architecture critic or taste commentator isn’t enough.

    We should have a greater platform for visibility of our impact on the UK. Socially, Culturally and Economically.

    The quest of all commercially operating designers — to be treated as respected and valuable parts of the boardroom rather than barely considered afterthoughts requires a shift in public perception.

    Surely these numbers make a good case for:

    » Design Critics installed in all major UK newspapers.

    » A design version of Mad Men to show just how much sex, drugs and rock and roll exist in the creative departments of the UK’s top design practices — and how much money they make for their clients.

    » Danny Dyer to receive a new character to join him at the Queen Vic — they are of course a designer, and they radically (and positively) transform the fortunes of Albert Square.

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