No-One Lives Here – FL@33’s hexagonal exhibition identity
FL@33 has created an identity system for an upcoming exhibition at the Royal College of Art – a 3D hexagon with ten triangles, each representing one of the ten artists featured in the show.
The consultancy has developed the system for the RCA Curating Contemporary Art course’s No One Lives Here show, which runs this month.
The show is divided into five themes – truth, space, data politics, narrative and object, each of which is also represented as one of five shapes in the main hexagon.
The hexagonal symbols are used throughout the exhibition, for example as individual tags next to the artists’ names or as hexagonal clusters.
The system is also used on other applications including the website and catalogue.
The website – also designed by FL@33, is based on a pinboard-style structure and features and artists section and a section for an ‘interactive documentary’ about the show.
Thanks! 8)
More project info and design process details can be found here:
designed by FL@33 and
programmed by Huck und Fresow,