Meet the graduates: University for the Creative Arts’ Dani Nachev

As part of our 2023 graduate season coverage, we’re speaking with a selection of graduates from around the UK about their final projects and future plans.

Dani Nachev is a 22-year-old BA Graphic Design graduate from University for the Creative Arts, Canterbury. His final project is called Sounds Bad.

Design Week: Can you explain your project and motivation for doing it?

Dani Nachev: “Sounds Bad” is a design exhibition focused on raising awareness about the issue of noise pollution. I chose this topic as generally people don’t realise the serious impact that sounds can have on their lives. The exhibition communicates the importance of being aware of the issue, and informs the audience about it through a series of infographics in combination with immersive sound and visual experiences.

This project covers noise pollution in urban, underwater and wildlife areas, which are represented by different patterns and colours in the exhibition.

The featured projection is a representation of the fast-paced lifestyle in big cities. The visually enhanced and isolated sound allows viewers to experience this usually unnoticed noise.

DW: What was most challenging about the design process? 

DN: In the first stages of the project, the challenge I faced was finding a solution to the problem of noise pollution. Unfortunately, there aren’t many answers to decreasing noise levels and I came to the conclusion that increasing awareness would be most effective. As the noise is produced mostly by us, informing the audiences about the seriousness of this issue through a design exhibition was my answer to this challenge.

Another process that I would define as challenging was creating a visual representation of something we can’t see, but hear. I have developed the whole identity around this idea of visualising sound in order to communicate the desired feelings and messages to the audience.

DW: Where do you see your design career heading?

DN: As a future design practitioner, I see myself constantly searching for innovative design solutions and striving to develop my skills by learning something new, and at the same time appreciating each aspect of design. I prefer working with digital processes in my practice, as I feel the constantly evolving technology gives me an unlimited opportunity to express and achieve my ideas to a higher level.

Check out other graduate projects from this year’s cohorts here.

You can find our guide to 2023 graduate design shows here.

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