BGA saving energy efficiency data for COI

Basten Greenhill Andrews is researching and analysing marketing activity for the Energy Saving Trust, the results of which will be unveiled in September.

The consultancy has been appointed by the Central Office of Information Communications to work on the brief, which involves marketing analysis of partner organisations in the Energy Efficiency Partnership for Homes, a collection of organisations working on different aspects of domestic energy efficiency.

According to BGA managing director Tim Greenhill, ‘We are researching what past and planned marketing activity has been and is being undertaken in support of domestic energy efficiency.

‘We will then analyse it and provide strategic recommendations based on that so the Energy Efficiency Partnership for Homes can create its own communications strategy.’

It is not yet known how the EEPH’s communications strategy will manifest itself.

The EEPH, which is run by the Energy Saving Trust, is made up of 200 organisations, which includes fuel suppliers, local councils and white goods manufacturers operating in the private and public sectors.

The partnership acts as a key player in the Government’s climate change and fuel poverty strategies; with a goal to harness all energy efficiency interest, providing a coordinated approach to energy efficiency in homes and small businesses.

BGA, which is on the COI’s strategy and corporate branding roster, won the work following a pitch against an undisclosed number of fellow rostered groups.

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