Charity Forever Hope Foundation reveals optimistic branding

Consultancy Branch has created the logo for the charity startup, which combines an “H” with an infinity symbol inside a circle.

2. Forever-Hope-Logo-image

Branch has worked on the development strategy and brand identity for charity startup Forever Hope Foundation.

The foundation, which was set up to partner with other charities and run high-end events for them, gave the consultancy the brief to “give hope to those who need it most”.

“They came to us with nothing but a name”

Branch started working on the project last summer, according to creative director, Craig Dimond.

“They came to us with nothing but a name. They had the Forever Hope Foundation already and then we built a direction, worked with our strategist on a development strategy for them and then built a whole identity around that,” he says.

Forever Hope Foundation’s new logo plays on the concept of “forever”, incorporating an infinity symbol into the letter “H” within a larger circle.

Circular and Baskerville typefaces

The consultancy opted to use two typefaces – Circular, to appear “open and welcoming” and Baskerville to give it more of a high-end feel and reflect the fact that the foundation organises high-end events, according to Dimond.

He says the branding has been kept simple and pared back so as not to clash with the logo of the selected partner charity, which is currently Great Ormond Street.

“It has also been kept really minimal and white to allude to the concept of hope,” Dimond adds.

The identity includes a new website, built by Make it Clear, and will be applied to everything from over-sized donation cheques to backdrops, microphones and t-shirts.

1. Forever-Hope-Logo-image-7
3. Forever-Hope-Icon
4. Forever-Hope-Brand-Guide
5. Forever-Hope-Partner-Charity
6. Forever-Hope-Patterns
7. Forever-Hope-Envelope-sm
8. Forever-Hope-Compslip
9. Forever-Hope-Postcards
10. Forever-Hope-Stationery-set
12. Forever-Hope-Website
11. Forever-Hope-Cheque


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