How designers and artists are using creativity to help people escape the real world

Every month, Adobe Stock curates a gallery of images and videos from its library based around a different trend. The July and August theme is Creative Reality, looking at a selection of surreal and unearthly imagery and technology that transports the viewer to a different world, creating not only an enjoyable experience but also helping to alleviate the stress of real life.

As part of the theme, Adobe Stock hosted a live event, which saw three creatives use programs such as Photoshop, Dimension and Adobe Stock to create imagery that they thought would take the viewer away from reality. This event is available to watch online on YouTube, acting as both a demonstration of the artists’ skills, and a tutorial for others watching at home.

We look at the work of these three individuals, as well as that of other creative teams, who are using various techniques to create dreamlike, immersive experiences for viewers.

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