Meet the graduates: Falmouth University’s Jack Coker

As part of our coverage of 2021’s graduate season, we’re spending five minutes with a selection of graduates from around the country to talk about their work, practice and plans.

Jack Coker is a 21-year-old sustainable product design graduate from Falmouth University. His final project is the E-Ink Smart Card. 

Design Week: Can you explain what your final project was about?

Jack Coker: For my final year project, I wanted to explore unplanned over-consumption. It’s a topic which in the UK is currently being promoted by rising contactless payment limits, and a loss of tactile presence provided by physical cash currencies. These factors are not only impacting the environment due to the amount of product/material that is being over-consumed with ease, but it’s also making it harder for people to put money into long term savings.

Early into my ideation I became fascinated by E-Ink displays, and wanted to utilize them within a design to improve user relationships with digital currencies. Solely powered by the tap of a contactless payment, the paper-like display could interact with users and provide them with a vast range of information related to their daily transactions. This opened up a range of ideas for what the card could display; a visual portrayal of a consumer’s bank account, a carbon calculator for eco-conscious shoppers, or a digital business card which stays on a user’s E-Ink display until their next transaction. 

DW: More generally, what would you say your biggest inspirations are in your design practice?

JC: I think that sustainability has become a huge part of my inspiration and thinking. Studying in Falmouth, Cornwall comes with the benefits of being immersed within an environmentally conscious community that innovate to work with their surroundings.

I am also a big fan of keeping designs to a clean and minimal aesthetic, coming up with the simplest solutions, sometimes in a service or experience rather than physical objects, can create some of the most impactful and sustainable designs.

DW: What would be the ideal job for you, and why?

JC: During my experience at university my passion for design has only grown, and so I hope to now make a career from it. I have always found that completing collaborative projects has been one of the best ways to learn from others, so it would be ideal to go into industry and work with a range of different clients and professionals.

Ideally, I would love to start off at a company where sustainable values are taken seriously, where I can gain industry experience whilst bringing my own creative touch to projects.

You can view Jack’s work, as well as his peers’ as part of the Falmouth University School of Architecture, Design and Interiors showcase

Read our full 2021 graduate show guide here.

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