Vince Frost designs Streetwise identity

Frost Design has created the identity and branding for homeless charity Streetwise Opera, launching today.

The charity, part of the Macquarie Group Foundation – the philanthropic arm of financial firm Macquarie Group – appointed Frost Design on the strength of previous work carried out for Macquarie Bank in a pro bono agreement.

The consultancy was briefed to devise a complete rebrand, comprising an identity, look and feel that would appeal to a broad range of stakeholders. Frost Design senior account director Nicole Bradfield says, ‘That means everyone, from guys off the street to the hard hitting business members.’

The profile of the charity was boosted by an endorsement from Prime Minister Gordon Brown as part of his ‘Britain’s Everyday Heroes’ initiative.

The charity provides a national programme of workshops and performances involving homeless people and opera professionals.

‘We had to come up with something that spoke about elevation through music and singing, and gave people a sense of worth. In a secondary sense, it references community,’ says Bradfield.

An existing strapline, ‘Giving homeless people a voice’, was retained, and this informed the design for the new logo. The different size As at the end of the logotype are said to represent sound amplification and inclusiveness. Guidelines have been created and fuchsia pink is the new house colour.

The new identity will feature on postcards posters, T-shirts and a website.

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