Hornall Anderson designs Marmite Gold packaging

Hornall Anderson has designed the packaging for the limited-edition Marmite Gold, which contains edible gold flecks.

Gold Marmite
Gold Marmite

Marmite Gold is launched this week as the brand’s Christmas variant, and the release also coincides with its 110th anniversary.

Matt Gandy, design director at Hornall Anderson, says, ‘The design challenge was to create something that was going to feel festive but not be overtly Christmassy. That’s the tricky thing with seasonal packaging – it’s got such a long shelf presence so we wanted it to be full of the joys of the season, but not too obvious.’

The consualtncy was briefed to the project in January this year, and the designs also took into account this year’s big events, such as the London 2012 Olympic Games celebrations.

Joanne O’Riada, Marmite brand manager says, ‘2012 has certainly been a great year for Britain – from the Queen’s Jubilee to unprecedented sporting achievements – we’ve got a lot to be proud of. We wanted to mark this incredible year by adding a twinkle to people’s toasts.’

Hornall Anderson, which is rostered to Marmite’s parent company Unilever,  also designed the Jubilee edition of Marmite – or Ma’amite  – with the tag-line ‘Toasting the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.’

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