ITV1 to drop ‘1’ in major rebrand

ITV’s flagship channel ITV1 is to drop the ‘1’ from its name in a rebrand.

The current ITV1 identity

ITV2, ITV3 and ITV4 will not be renamed but an ITV spokeswoman says, ‘We are looking at how our family of channels work together and with our core brand and channel.’

The work will be led by group marketing and research director Rufus Radcliffe. It is not known if there any external groups involved in the project at this stage.

The spokewoman says, ‘In terms of specific design work, we don’t have any information yet but it might involve groups from outside ITV.’

Radcliffe joined ITV from Channel Four in August 2011 and is now ‘looking at ITV’s brand and how we can consolidate and badge our strength. It is a root-and-branch exercise,’ says the spokeswoman.

In May of this year Radcliffe was joined by Phil Lind, former acting creative director of Channel 4, who joined ITV as creative director at ITV Creative.

Design Week understands that the yellow colour will be dropped from the ITV1 brand, but the broadcaster would not confirm this.

‘A fresh modern creative identity’ is expected early next year according to the spokeswoman, who says ‘this could potentially mean new logos, idents and exciting new design work’.

ITV launched the ITV1 brand in 2002, with the initial identity created by Bruce Dunlop and Associates. The most recent identity was created by Red Bee Media in 2006.

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  • Paul November 30, -0001 at 12:00 am

    Wow do people still consider broadcast TV a brand?

    My advice to ITV? Don’t waste your time or money because nobody cares.

    Sack your marketing department and make better programmes

  • Mr Ken November 30, -0001 at 12:00 am

    In reply to Paul.. well obviously people still think of it as a brand.. much money is still made from commercial broadcasting.. its still the most effective way to advertise your business – thru tv! itv have a huge market share -its free to view – and they still pull in ratings on their top shows.. nobody cares? doubt it!

  • Andrew Williams November 30, -0001 at 12:00 am

    ITV need to concentrate on producing Quality programming instead of spending money on a stupid project like this.

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