Tributes paid to interactive design pioneer Andy Cameron

Tributes are being paid to Andy Cameron, interactive design pioneer and founder of influential group Antirom, who died yesterday.

Andy Cameron

Cameron, who also worked as executive director of Fabrica and most recently as interactive creative director of Wieden + Kennedy London, is understood to have died following a sudden heart attack.

Fellow Antirom member Nik Roope, now at Poke, says, ‘When the time comes to write the history of the development of multimedia, Andy’s impact will be recognised.

‘Andy had an enormous respect and love of the process of making things, but also an incredibly academic brain. As such he was perfectly placed to inspire people.

‘He empowered a lot of people who might otherwise have become indulgent or just floated off out of the industry.’

Onedotzero founder Shane Walter, who worked with Cameron on several projects over the last 20 years, says, ‘He had a tremendous impact on the industry. A lot of people don’t realise how many people were taught by Andy and mentored by him.

‘He was someone who was just incredibly passionate about new media, and he’s a very sad loss.’

Cameron was a tutor at the University of Westminster when he founded Antirom in 1995 with a group of students, including Nik and Tom Roope.

Cameron then went on to join Fabrica, the Italian research centre established by Benneton, in 2001. He joined Wieden + Kennedy London as interactive creative director in 2010, before leaving last year. He was made a Royal Designer for Industry last year.

Cameron was also a regular columnist for Creative Review. CR editor Patrick Burgoyne has written a tribute to him here.


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  • Jim Harris November 30, -0001 at 12:00 am

    Andy taught me at The University of Westminster. He was an inspiring guy and a true pioneer. Agencies such as Anti-ROM and Lateral were the first to persuade the likes of Levis and Guinness that the web could be a creative and commercial space. Without Andy’s vision the web would not look like it does today. It’s as simple as that.

  • Christopher Reinke November 30, -0001 at 12:00 am

    He taught me as well at Westminster: great professional, ahead of his time, and a lovely guy…

  • Jim Boulton November 30, -0001 at 12:00 am

    Andy was ahead of the game. My year at the HRC under his and Richard’s tutelage changed my life. I’ll always be grateful to him.

  • Zenobia Mishra November 30, -0001 at 12:00 am

    Andy invited me to Fabrica’s new media department back in 2001. It was a culture shock for me as I came to Europe for the first time. Will always remember him fondly for all the fun times at Fabrica and his lovely BBQs. He was a great mentor and he changed my life, as did interaction design later on.

  • Claudia November 30, -0001 at 12:00 am

    Andy will never be forgotten. He was inspiring and was always optimistic. He was a great guy to be around and was totally undeserving of this tragedy- he had a lot more to give to this world. I miss him.

  • Declan Caulfield November 30, -0001 at 12:00 am

    Andy joined Starling as Creative Director in September last year and we worked together on the imminent release of TalkingTV, our long awaited SocialTV experience. We’ve been working on this under the radar. He was so excited that in the coming days Apple would release it to the world.
    The whole team is devastated at his sudden passing.
    Andy was an amazing person, generous, kind, empathic and funny, so funny. He was an outstanding, inspirational creative.

    Only, as I know he was so proud of it, here is the link to the soon to be released.

    Miss your voice big guy!

  • Steve Parry November 29, 2016 at 12:05 am

    I just heard about this watching a video from Fabrica. Way back in the early nineties in Birmingham Andy taught me black and white photography and printing. This was at a very left field arts collective in a deconsecrated church. Ironically I went on in ’96 to do an MA in Interactive Multimedia Production at Huddersfield University. Coming across Fabrica on the web some years ago I was amazed to read that he’d set up the famous Anti-Rom and then become creative Director there! He was a great teacher.

    Steve Parry

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