The defining images of 2014

The Year in Focus exhibition, by image library Getty Images, is an attempt to bring together the photographs that define events of the past year.


A total of 60 images has been chosen – taken from the 16,000 news events, 28,000 sports events and 50,000 entertainment events covered by Getty photographers.


There are powerful images from the Ebola epidemic in West Africa, the ongoing conflict in Syria and protests in Ukraine.


Also showcased are images from the football World Cup and the Sochi Winter Olympics.


Getty Images Vice President for News Hugh Pinney says: “In 2014 we have seen imagery from all corners of the globe – powerful and extraordinary photos documenting global and local stories.


“This unprecedented curation provides a chance to step back and take a look at the defining moments of the year.”


Year in Focus runs from 22 January-11 February at Getty Images Gallery, 46 Eastcastle Street, London W1W.

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