Design Week news stories appeal to schoolchildren too

I get Design Week every week at the school I teach at and, at the end of the month, I do my favourite job: I cut them up.

Leaving them out for pupils to read is a waste. No one ever opens it, except me. Then I realised pupils were stimulated by the images, not the words. Now I cut up the most photogenic news items and create a ‘Design Month’ A3 sheet which gets stuck up on the wall. The pupils gather round to look at and read about the items. A year’s worth is on the wall at the moment.

The upshot of all this is a widely read magazine (in parts), inspired pupils and a lot of stimulated discussion. All of which is educational and also fun. If you are a professional, you could hand your back issues to the local school. It might get them going too.

James Kean, Principal teacher of technology, Plockton High School, Ross-shire IV52 8TU

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