Specialist NHS clinic uses design to tell story of its history

Design Science has created a new identity for the Katharine Dormandy Haemophilia and Thrombosis Centre at the Royal Free Hospital and a timeline installation, which shows its research achievements over 50 years.


Design Science has created a timeline installation at the Royal Free Hospital in London to help celebrate the 50th anniversary of a specialist clinic and explain its work in providing care for people suffering from blood conditions.

The Katharine Dormandy Haemophilia and Thrombosis Centre provides a range of services for people with haemophilia, von Willebrand’s disease, other inherited coagulation factor deficiencies and inherited platelet disorders. It is also a leading research centre.

With a budget of just £5,000 Design Science has designed a new logo for the centre and covered the costs of the installation which includes interior design, editorial design, image sourcing and illustration, materials, production and installation.

Design Science is run by the same people as O-SB Design, which specialises in design for the arts.

Director Anne Odling-Smee says that Design Science, which specialises in clients from the world of science, was appointed on the strength of a website it designed for the Institute of Immunity and Transplantation.

KD:HT wanted the “world class research” that it carries out to be communicated to patients to help preserve confidence in patient care according to Odling-Smee.

“Most patients aren’t fully aware of the research that is going on but we had an opportunity to help change this and to address any scepticism about treatments or practices like transfusions.

“We welcomed the opportunity to make what is, in part, a waiting room area and corridor into something far more engaging and informative,” says Odling-Smee.

The timeline shows the development of blood condition research breakthroughs at KD:HT.

Odling-Smee says: “The type we’ve used is inviting as it’s big and easy to read, rather than tiny art gallery print. With the dotted wallpaper we’ve moved out of a medical environment and tried to create something a bit friendlier, although they do also look a bit like blood cells.”

Although Design Science was working within “a drab space and a modest budget” the consultancy was given creative control and did not come up against many barriers.

“The space had to easy to clean” says Odling-Smee who adds: “Initially we used the colour red for the identity but they said that’s not a good idea as it’s the colour of blood.”

The branding will be applied to stationery, presentation assets and signage and entrance sign are still to be made.


The installation takes shape
The installation takes shape


Before the installation
Before the installation
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