Sony launches interactive projector that can turn surfaces into a touchscreen

The Xperia Touch uses Sony’s SXRD projection display technology to allow users to stream videos, play games or enable designers to “build and create” on any available flat surface.

Sony has revealed its new projector technology which is able to transform any flat surface into a 58cm touchscreen.

Launched at Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona, Spain, the Sony Xperia Touch is an interactive projector that works by using the company’s SXRD projection display technology, combining infrared light and and real-time detection via an in-built camera.

The interface is designed to be “fast, fluid and responsive to touch”, says Sony, and can be projected onto surfaces including tables, kitchen surfaces or walls.

Play games and stream videos online

The user can interact with the Xperia Touch in the same way as they would with other touchscreen devices, including playing games, watching online video streaming services or speaking to people via messaging apps and social networking sites.

The device is designed to be used in both bright or dark conditions, and provides up-to-date weather information, a memo board for written or video notes and calendar and Skype access.

Sony is also looking to highlight the Xperia Touch’s role as a potential tool for designers to use in their work, saying that the “unique projection, touch capability and sensor architecture will provide developers with an entirely new platform on which to build and create.”

What do designers think?

Amelia Kallman, head of innovation at consultancy Engage Works points out that this type of technology is following the lead of other devices that opt to provide virtual experiences over physical ones, such as Microsoft’s Hololens.

“We are moving into a future where screens will play less and less significant roles in our lives, where the world becomes one giant, infinite white space for instant interaction,” says Kallman.

“Engaging customer experience”

She adds: “People love the discovery of the unexpected interactive surfaces and it delivers a memorable and engaging customer experience…Having a program like Sony’s Xperia will help us to develop this creative digital solution even further.”

Nicolas Roope, founder at consultancy Poke, which creates interactive experiences such as exhibitions, points out that while Xperia Touch’s features such as its gaming capabilities may make it appear to be a “cute little gizmo” on the surface, the concept could actually have “much broader implications”.

Roope adds: “It shows how this technology is already mature enough to package up for consumers, heralding a brave new world in cinematic, architectural interactions.”

Roll out Spring 2017

Xperia Touch will launch in Europe from Spring 2017, and will retail at £1,284 (€1,499).

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  • marcella loyer March 18, 2017 at 9:56 pm

    What a wonderful invention and such geniuses…at work among one of the best Japanese companies in the World…SONY PICTURES have always WON! Now they are truly SURPASSING ALL OTHER TECHONOLOGIES… CoNGRATULATIONS JAPAN!

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