Product design’s future will affect education and skills

As a product designer turned lecturer, I found the article Judgement Day‚ (DW 16 June) illuminating, except it missed one key point.

As a product designer turned lecturer, I found the article Judgement Day‚ (DW 16 June) illuminating, except it missed one key point.

I, like many lecturers, am constantly seeking advice from members of the profession on what skills they expect graduate designers to possess.

Key themes such as communication and drawing arise. However, beyond this the answers diversify, and are almost contradictory.

Mark Delaney’s points about production in the Far East are interesting and they leave me with an exciting moving target when teaching young designers. But it seems appropriate to ask, ‘What is the UK product design profession in the 21st century?’ before we consider the education dilemma.

Julian Lindley, Senior lecturer, Product Design Sustainable Futures, Surrey Institute of Art & Design, Surrey GU9 7DS

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