So what do you do in your spare time?

A chance to create work unfettered by client constraints, to push boundaries, or just to feed that creative compulsion, the appeal of personal projects to designers is obvious.

Craig Oldham, The Board of Sound, 2013
Craig Oldham, The Board of Sound, 2013

And now Nick Eagleton, UK creative director of The Partners, has brought together these weird and wonderful creations – some of which were never meant to see the light of day – for a new exhibition at London’s Jerwood Space, appropriately titled After Hours.

Jamie Ellul, Time is Money, 2012
Jamie Ellul, Time is Money, 2012

Eagleton says, ‘When I was approached to do this show [Jerwood Space’s first graphics exhibition], I didn’t want to do a show of “graphic design as art”. I wanted to look at the grey area between art and design – and I wanted to show some work that might never have been seen before.’

Phil Carter, Found Folk, 2001
Phil Carter, Found Folk, 2001

After Hours will feature a predictably diverse range of works. Some pieces, notably Michael Johnson’s Arkitypo, developed with Johnson Banks and Ravensbourne, has received a certain amount of fame in their own right.

Michael Johnson, Arkitypo, 2012
Michael Johnson, Arkitypo, 2012

Other contributors are showing a body of work, such as Jim Sutherland’s Type(Chess)Set, Typographic Playing Cards and Garages book.

Jim Sutherland, Type(Chess)set, 2012
Jim Sutherland, Type(Chess)set, 2012

Other pieces are being developed especially for the show – such as Jack Renwick’s Wardrobe installation. Eagleton says, ‘Jack was very upset to find that moths had devoured an entire wardrobe of her clothes – so she created some moth badges to cover up the moth-holes. We’ll be showing a wardrobe full of clothes with these moth badges.’

Robert Ball, Winter's Knight, 2012
Robert Ball, Winter’s Knight, 2012

Antony Burrill, meanwhile, will be painting his work ‘I Like It, What Is It?’ directly on to a wall. Eagleton says, ‘If there’s one phrase that sums up this show, then that would be it. You look at some of this stuff and you think “What goes on in your head?”’

Anthony Burrill, I Like It, What Is It?, 2009
Anthony Burrill, I Like It, What Is It?, 2009

After Hours is at JVA at Jerwood Space, 171 Union Street London SE1, from 14 May-23 June.

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