Tube boss promises ‘Boris bus of the Underground’

The head of London Underground says he wants to work with designers to create a ‘New Tube for London’ – following the example of Thomas Heatherwick’s New Bus for London.

Piccadilly Line Tube train

Source: Gene Hunt

Piccadilly Line Tube train

London Underground is understood to be preparing a £16 million order for new Tube trains on lines including Central, Bakerloo and Piccadilly.

Mike Brown, managing director of London Underground, told the London Evening Standard he was looking to recruit top designers to work on the project and was ‘unashamedly’ branding it as the New Tube for London, echoing the New Bus for London project.

Brown says, ‘We will talk to individual designers, and clearly Thomas Heatherwick is one of the best, but there are others.

‘We also want to have a more coherent theme at our stations.’

He adds, ‘Think of the New Bus for London in a deep-level Tube and it’s not that far off.’

Brown says the new trains will have modern features such as air-conditioning and through carriages and will also ‘really incorporate our heritage’.

The Thomas Heatherwick-designed New Bus for London

Source: HHA124L

The Thomas Heatherwick-designed New Bus for London

The Heatherwick-designed New Bus for London hit the streets of the capital in 201.

It was the result of a complicated and lengthy procurement process, which began with an open, public competition in 2008, took in designs from Foster + Partners and Aston Martin, and resulted in the Heatherwick and Wrightbus concept, which was unveiled in 2010.

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  • DAVID RASHAUN KOROMA November 30, -0001 at 12:00 am

    I think this will be a fantastic opportunity, not only for the Londoners but also the fact that we can afford to have enough space at our busy periods of the day ‘rush hours’.

    It is a disaster that we’re the most expensive railways industry and yet there isn’t enough timing and efficient space, comfort for travelling. I do hope that London will embrace the that we’re heading into the millenniums and we should definitely compete rapidly through the world.

    By 2030, UK will be the world strongest economic by far then Germany as a business, if we do not act now. We would have a massive effect for traveller and tourists.

    I should be also taking part toward this competition to see whether or not I do have the skills within designing.

  • Nicholas Stapleton November 30, -0001 at 12:00 am maybe this would be a good idea to replicate James Murphys idea to make the sounds used in London transport terminals more relaxing and therefore taking away some of the stress of travelling and commuting,This cost would be minimal but the impact could make peoples lives happier, children and adults.

  • MarvinWaf November 30, -0001 at 12:00 am

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