Paint a fish for WWF

Ahead of a European Parliament vote on fisheries, WWF is launching an interactive campaign to raise awareness of declining fish stocks.


The Paintafish campaign asks users to paint their own fish, and upload it to (you can either paint your fish on the site, or upload a fishy file from elsewhere). The best fish from each day will make it into a virtual ‘sea’.

Developed in conjunction with the New Economics Forum, the Paintafish site has been designed by Activate Digital, with illustrations by Maia Thomas.

By Michael from London
By Michael from London

The campaign is particularly aimed at schoolchildren across the EU,  and the site features a host of resources for schools, including activity guidance and booklets, to help engage pupils.

So far more than 10 000 fish have been uploaded to the site, and WWF is hoping that the initiative will focus people’s attention on overfishing. It is calling for the EU to change its Common Fishery Policy so that it applies to all European boats, wherever in the world they are fishing.

By Rebecca from Newquay
By Rebecca from Newquay
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