SVI Design helps expose defence corruption risk

SVI Design has developed branding, graphics and interactive designs for a new report from organisation Transparency International, which looks at the potential for corruption in the defence sector.

Web-page for the Governments Defence Anti-corruption Index
Web-page for the Governments Defence Anti-corruption Index

The consultancy was tasked with developing a way of communicating the findings in the new Government Defence Anti-Corruption Index, and Defence Companies Anti-Corruption Index.

The reports provide analysis of corruption risk across governments and organisations worldwide, and are aimed at both defence specialists and the general public.

Web-page for the Governments Defence Anti-corruption Index
Print collateral for the Governments Defence Anti-corruption Index

SVI founder Sasha Vidakovic says, ‘We basically helped them communicate all the results. This is exciting information collated over two years using extremely sophisticated calculations.

‘A lot of reports similar to this can be quite dry and academic, but we wanted to create something different.’

As well as creating identities for the two reports and printed documents, SVI Design also developed an interactive online report site, which breaks the report’s results into infographics.

Web-page for the Governments Defence Anti-corruption Index
An information dial showing government risk of corruption

Vidakovic says the graphic style is influenced by a plane’s cockpit, and uses military-style colours and information dials.

The reports are released this month and, says Vidakovic, ‘have a potential audience from defence ministers and retired Nato generals all the way down to the general public.’

Web-page for the Governments Defence Anti-corruption Index
Web page for the Defence Companies Anti-corruption Index
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