The Design Week Top 100 2014

Welcome to the 2014 Design Week Top 100 – a comprehensive financial survey of the design industry.

On our dedicated Top 100 website you can see the full listing of UK independent design consultancies, ranked by fee-income.

You can also see our reports on fee-income in the advertising, branding, digital, exhibitions, interiors, packaging, print and product sectors.

A PDF of the Top 100 print supplement is available for download here, and print copies of the supplement are available for purchase here.


You can visit the Top 100 website at

Thanks to Esther Carder and Andrew Mackie at KingstonSmithW1 for their help in compiling the survey.

A production error meant that the submission from Point 6 Design was not featured in the final chart. Point 6’s fee-income of £1,687,000 would have seen it ranked 69th in the 2014 Top 100.

An error also meant the submission from mark-making* was also not featured in the final chart. mark-making*’s fee-income of £900,000 would have seen it ranked 90th in the 2014 Top 100.

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