Illustrators draw each other for Hellohead exhibition

A group of 60 illustrators have got together to draw each other in aid of the National Autistic Society.

Debbie Powell Kate Copeland
Debbie Powell Kate Copeland

The results will be shown at the Hellohead exhibition next month, which has been put together by illustrators Lucie Joy and Rosie Shorter.

John Stortz by Telegramme
John Stortz by Telegramme

The names of participating illustrators and designers were put in a hat, before a draw set up random pairings, which have revealed some brilliant  style clashes.

Lauren Crow by Miss Led
Lauren Crow by Miss Led

An effective incongruity is achieved, as each portrait reveals an alien interpretation of the sitter.

Rachel Green by Uberkraaft
Rachel Green by Uberkraaft

Illustrators Lucie Joy and Rosie Shorter have curated the exhibition, Hellohead, turning to the likes of Jack Teagle, Holly Wales, Bob London and Gemma Correll.

Samantha Dolan by Tim McDonagh
Samantha Dolan by Tim McDonagh

A silent art auction will see buyers place secret bids at the exhibition, where there’ll be live portrait drawing, a shop, and in the meantime, from next week, a Markus Oakley-designed tea towel will be available.

Sandra Diekmaan by Pietari Posti
Sandra Diekmaan by Pietari Posti

Hellohead takes place on 22 August at Cargo, 83 Rivington Street, EC2

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