St Brides Illustration Conference

Next month London’s St Bride’s library will be hosting a one-day illustration event, with speakers including Kai & Sunny, Eine’s Ben Flynn, Nic Rawling of The Paper Cinema and many others.

Kai and Sunny Dandy Print
Kai and Sunny Dandy Print

Curated by graphic designer Becky Chilcott, the event sets out to discuss what illustration actually is. Chilcott says, ‘It’s taking a starting point of “what is illustration”. The boundaries of what’s seen as illustration are so blurred, so we tried to get as many speakers with different backgrounds as possible.’

Fukushima, Schrank

Source: copyright Schrank

Fukushima, Schrank

She adds, ‘There are people with typographic backgrounds to keep the [St Brides] regulars happy while bringing in something new as well.’

Vandals, Eine

Source: copyright Eine

Vandals, Eine

The speakers will be showing how initial work and ideas are translated into final projects, showing initial works and sketchbooks to reveal ‘how they process ideas behind the scenes’, according to Chilcott.

Sketchbook Drawing 3, Helen Stephens

Source: copyright Helen Stephens

Sketchbook Drawing 3, Helen Stephens

The event’s illustrator in residence Mike Nicholson of Ensixteen Editions will also be documenting the day – through illustration, naturally – and has created a promotional illustration (pictured.) This will be used across the bespoke conference sketchbooks which are being created with Fenner Paper.

Mike Nicholson 2012
Mike Nicholson 2012

All the speakers are giving their time free of charge, meaning that any money raised at the conference is channelled straight back into the library.

Pure Cow, Linzie Hunter

Source: copyright Linzie Hunter

Pure Cow, Linzie Hunter

Illustration: Making Pictures will take place on 19 June at Bridewell Hall, St Bride Library, Bride Lane, Fleet Street,
London EC4Y. For more information visit

The Metal Pig, John Lawrence

Source: copyright John Lawrence

The Metal Pig, John Lawrence

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