Packaging Design shortlist 2014


Tiger Nuts for Pepsico, by Design Bridge

Walkers owner PepsiCo launched a new crispy-coated nut for the Western European market, and Design Bridge was asked to design a pack that would convey the product’s distinctive tiger-patterned coating. The consultancy came up with a graphic trick that transforms the Tiger Nuts brand name into the face of a tiger. Playfulness continues with a customised barcode showing a tiger stalking through long grass.


Sixpence Stout for Tap East Brewery, by Midday

Midday was tasked with creating the 2013 limited-edition Christmas stout for microbrewery Tap East. The brief was to communicate the ‘liquid Christmas pudding’ flavour of the beer. The design references the Christmas Pudding with a festive sprig of holly placed above the ‘O’ of stout and brandy butter-inspired waxing on the neck of the bottle.


Talisker 1985 Vintage Maritime Edition for Diageo, by Bloom

Bloom was briefed to create secondary and primary packaging for Talisker 1985 – a special 2 release from the Isle of Skye whisky distillery. The design draws on high-end yachting, with curved lines across the outer and bottle referencing latitude and longitude lines. Flag motifs make use of the 150-year-old International Maritime Signal flag system to spell out ‘Talisker’ and ‘1985’.


Lurpak Slow Churned Butter for Arla Foods, by Pearlfisher

Pearlfisher was tasked to create packaging for a new addition to the Lurpak range – Slow Churned Butter. The consultancy aimed to use the iconic butter dish in a novel way to evoke heritage and taste and bring to life an ‘everyday premium’ food experience. The presentation pack takes the form of a fully recyclable brushed aluminium butter dish.


Strong Nutrients, by Pearlfisher

Strong is a new nutrient range, and Pearlfisher was asked to create a brand that would stand out in the crowded and functional supplement market. The consultancy based designs around the metaphor of birds that have hidden strength. It worked with illustrator Andy Lyons to create bespoke bird illustrations, and developed custom hand-drawn typography for the packaging.


Tesco Finest Grocery rebrand, by Pemberton & Whitefoord

Pemberton & Whitefoord has worked with Tesco Finest for 15 years. As part of the recent overall rebranding project, which was led by Honey, P&W was tasked with guardianship of the grocery category. For the work, P&W says every component of the packaging design was carefully considered: whether it was hand-rendered typography, illustration, calligraphic decoration or product photography.


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