Writtle Calling set to broadcast

Next month, a temporary radio station, designed by architecture practice Post-Works and artist Melissa Appleton, will transmit a series of live arts broadcasts.

Writtle Calling radio station designed by Post-Works

Writtle Calling will be based at the Writtle School of Design in Essex and has been funded by the Arts Council, Essex Arts and UCL.

It will be located near the site of ‘2 Emma Toc’, a 1922 radio station considered to be the first regular UK broadcaster, which went out every Tuesday from an ex-army hut.

Writtle Calling radio station designed by Post-Works

Post-Works’ design, which might at first appear a little ramshackle, references the original.

The station also references its environment, according to Post-Works architect Matthew Butcher who says, ‘We got fascinated with the temporary architecture of the area for agriculture and living purposes.’

Writtle Calling radio station designed by Post-Works

Butcher and his team took a drive along the A13 taking photographs of different structures which they turned into a photo montage of silhouettes.

Writtle Calling radio station designed by Post-Works

This informed the design directly with no compromises made for scale. ‘It’s a hybrid slightly out of scale structure which deliberately uses the language of the area,’ says Butcher.

Writtle Calling radio station designed by Post-Works

Writtle Calling will be broadcasting from 11-18 September from Writtle College, Chelmsford, Essex CM1 3RR, and public audiences are welcomed. For a full schedule go to writtlecalling.co.uk

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