In adversity dig deep to find hidden strengths

Having downsized your business and improved efficiency, all consultancy managements still face a seemingly unanswerable question: how do I increase sales in such a harsh and competitive environment? Unless you are growing your sales line the business cannot move forward.

Over the years, I’ve discovered that human beings and businesses both possess strengths, gifts and resources that they didn’t know they had. These attributes often lie dormant for years until they are revealed through adversity or a change in circumstances.

Human beings only grow when they expose themselves to change or challenge and when they face up to their fears. Coming to terms with things that intimidate you and accepting them as part of growing up is what makes life so interesting.

So it is with companies. Each company has a unique supply of resources that it has accumulated, intentionally or unintentionally, over the years. These lie hidden until all the usual sources of revenue have been exhausted and new ones are needed.

The hidden resources I am talking about are often not obvious and it takes both insight and creativity to bring them to the surface.

Ian Cochrane



Gerrards Cross

Bucks SL9 8QD

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