Designs for a Wondercook

Oxford-based designer Sam Osborne’s career change began in a rather fairy-tale way – following a stint daydreaming ‘sat on a beach in New Zealand’.

Baking Print
Baking Print

From then, her life shifted quite literally into a more colourful one, moving away from, she says, ‘work that had a very corporate focus to discovering what I love’.

Bon Appetit Print
Bon Appetit Print

Her new collection, Wondercook, is inspired by one of these things she loves, cooking, and used bright colours and Kandinsky-inspired shapes to create products including prints, cards, and a recipe journal.

Watercolour Work In Progress.
Watercolour Work In Progress.

Osborne’s career began as a graphic designer for Oxford-based consultancy One, before beginning to work for herself.

Explaining her working process, Osborne says, ‘It’s the same as with a client brief – I always start in a sketchbook as I feel its easier to learn the shapes and things with a pen, rather than a computer.

‘I’ve got scrapbooks and sketchbooks full of drawings and pictures’.

Wondercoo Recipe Book
Wondercoo Recipe Book

Osborne cites her influence as mid-century design, Pop Art and the Bauhaus.

‘Design shouldn’t just be about how something looks – function is important too’, she says.

‘I deliberately choose vibrant colours, play with perspective and use strong shapes in my work because when they’re combined, they can be a real mood changer.  That’s their purpose.’

Wondercook Notecards
Wondercook Notecards

You can see more of the Wondercook collection at




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