Type Tasting Open Studios weekend

Love type? Love long weekends?


Typographic joy
Typographic joy

So do we. As such, we’re rather excited about the Type Tasting Open Studios long weekend next month.

Organised by Sarah Hyndman, the experimental type aficionado behind a series of Type Tasting events, the Open Studios weekend will invite visitors to explore a number of new and interesting ways to explore typography.

Dalston type safari
Dalston type safari

There’ll be a Dalston Type Safari, seeing people perusing the insalubrious streets of the north east London area and photographing interesting signs and lettering; as well as a number of workshops to get your hands dirty and play with letters.

Those feeling particularly adventurous can also learn more about submitting their entries to the Type Tasting exhibition being organised by Hyndman at the V&A as part of this year’s London Design Festival.

Are we there yet?
Are we there yet?

For those who want to buy, rather than try, the Type Tasting Typography Emporium will be open throughout the weekend selling screen printed typographic posters, glow in the dark prints, typography of signage sheets, greetings cards, ‘Are we there yet?’ postcards and Dalston signage posters and more…

 The Type Tasting Open Studios weekend runs from 4 – 7 July at Studio F7, Chocolate Factory, Farleigh Place,
Stoke Newington,
N16. Find out more on the Twitter: @TypeTasting and  Facebook: /TypeTasting pages



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