Pilots: Navigating Next Models of Design Education

Pilots: Navigating Next Models of Design Education is a month long season of experiments in education.


The Pilots series will turn the Stanley Picker Gallery into a testing station curated by academic design publisher El Ultimo Grito and gallery director David Falkner.

Creative, philosophical, scientific, medical and political web lectures will be gathered from global educational institutions.

The point of the investigation is to see how this knowledge can be used within the physical gallery space by a group of people collaborating on work together.


The gallery says, ‘Pilots will demonstrate, through direct application, the ways in which group activity might respond and adapt to an increasing culture of web-based learning; navigating varying combinations of subject expertise (“Content”), physical scenario (“Context”) and practical guidance (“Control”).’

Every week group participants will deliver a work as a direct response to a web lecture or demonstration. This might be a graphic, action, text, or object.

As a visitor you are encouraged to observe and interact with the pilots, via social media rather than shouting at them.


Results will be shown alongside the relevant web content and by way of conclusion, a round-table discussion will debrief to see which Pilots have worked best.

There’s also a chance for designers and design educators to get involved  and participate in the projects. 

Pilots: Navigating Next Models of Design Education runs from 25 April – 25 May at the Stanley Picker Gallery, Kingston University, KT1

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