Brand of the Year shortlist 2014

Channel 4

Channel 4

Channel 4 has been a reliable award-winner over the past few years, notably for its 4Seven branding and idents, developed by Magpie Studio, Man vs Machine and the 4Creative in-house team. This year the standout Channel 4 project is the D-Day as it Happens initiative, a real-time telling of the events of D-Day, developed with Digit London. This project was shortlisted for the Interactive Design category in this year’s Design Week Awards.



Barclays has invested heavily in design in recent years, creating a substantial in-house team. It has recruited figures including Clive Grinyer, now customer experience director, and Peter Dalton, formerly of arts group rAndom International. The bank works with consultancies including Bow & Arrow, Start JudgeGill and Ustwo, with which it launched the Pingit mobile payment platform.

Princes Trust

The Prince’s Trust

Charity the Prince’s Trust has deservedly picked up the Best of Show prize in this years’ Design Week Awards, for the Tomorrow Project, developed with CHI & Partners. This is not just and intriguing branding and retail project, but also provides a platform for young designers and entrpreneurs, working with mentors such as Zandra Rhodes and Wayne Hemingway.

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