Poster Design shortlist 2014


Principals’ Principles, by TaxI Studio

Taxi Studio created a poster to promote a talk by Taxi co-founder and chief creative officer Spencer Buck at the inaugural THREAD… event, designed to bring together the creative community in the South West. The poster and souvenir postcards were typeset by Typoretum using a mixture of wood and metal type.


London Look Again, for Museum of London, by Together Design

Together Design was asked to create a brand awareness campaign for the Museum of London to drive footfall to the institute. The consultancy says it aimed to channel the eclecticism of the museum’s collection. It created a series of Pop Art-inspired montage-style posters, juxtaposing museum artefacts against recognisable London backdrops.


Cancer Research UK Billboard Poster, by Johnson Banks with AMV/BBDO

Johnson Banks worked with ad agency AMV/BBDO on a poster campaign to promote Cancer Research UK’s new identity and positioning. The posters use new phrasing such as ‘help beat cancer’ and ‘research kills cancer’.


MLF 13 Poster for Manchester Literature Festival, by MARK

Mark was tasked with creating a campaign to promote this year’s Manchester Literature Festival. The consultancy aimed to reference childhood brain teasers – from join-the-dots press ads to wet afternoon activity book-style event brochures.

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