Meat Bouquets, by Bompas & Parr

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Bompas & Parr has created a series of meat bouquets for Valentine’s Day, featuring a selection of hung grouse, pheasant and quail dressed alongside botanicals.

Each meat bouquet comes with an alcoholic love potion, which includes a distilled spirit and a “mysterious aphrodisiac”, says Bompas & Parr.

The meat bouquet is inspired by Victorian chef Alexis Soyer, who invented a ten-foot tall meat bouquet arrangement called the Bougeut de Gibier – or “Sporting Nosegay” – which was presented to royalty.

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Meat_Bouquet_1_landscape(credit Bompas & Parr)
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Meat_Bouquet_detail1_landscape(credit Bompas & Parr)