Carlsberg Export goes back to Danish roots with rebrand

Taxi Studio has overhauled lager Carlsberg Export, with the beer company hinting at a wider refresh of its flagship brand in 2017.


Carlsberg Export has been rebranded for the British market with the aim of placing more emphasis on the beer’s Danish roots.

The beer brand was founded in 1847 in Copenhagen, Denmark, with the first export to Edinburgh, Scotland taking place in 1868.

The current branding for Carlsberg Export
The current branding for Carlsberg Export

Taxi Studio has designed the new logo and packaging for the beer variant, replacing the previous logo which centred around the colour green and a hops symbol.

The design consultancy is not able to comment on whether this signals an upcoming, overall rebrand for Carlsberg, but Carlsberg Group says it is “the first step towards revitalising its flagship brand”.

The new look uses a colour palette of white and copper, and makes use of a cross symbol skewed towards the left of the packaging, inspired by the Danish flag.

A wood effect is also used across the packaging alongside copper, which aims to signal materials used in contemporary Danish design, says Spencer Buck, founder at Taxi Studio.

The new branding for Carlsberg Export

The founder’s signature – J.C. Jacobsen – has also been added underneath the name, and a slashed ‘o’ has also been added to the word Export, a playful reference to the letter used in the Danish alphabet, says Buck.

“The slash device anchors it in the Nordic region, but it’s also a little bit tongue-in-cheek as ‘Export’ isn’t pronounced like that in Danish,” he says.

Through drawing inspiration from Danish design, the consultancy also aims to make the beer appear more up-market, says Buck, in an attempt to battle the lager market’s recent decline in sales and attract a younger audience.

“Carlsberg Export has been suffering from an identity crisis over the last few years,” he says. “It was coming out favourably in taste tests but the branding was dragging it down.

“We wanted to create something premium but not cold – simplicity and cleanliness, coupled with a light humour, were within our brief.”


The rebrand, although focused on Danish design, is only rolling out in the UK market. Buck says the consultancy wanted to “bring a touch of Danish happiness to the UK”.

“Danish design is quite progressive and not stereotyped, but this is a perception of Danish design from the outside,” he says. “Fundamentally, it’s about beautiful aesthetics coupled with incredible functionality.”

The new branding and packaging for Carlsberg Export begins rolling out in February 2017, and a £15 million marketing and advertising campaign accompanies the new visual look. The beer bottle size is also being increased to 330ml.

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  • KABIR SINGH December 6, 2016 at 9:20 pm

    Fantastic Job. Hopefully the UK drinking market will not be addicted to that Green bottle too much and recognise the updated new design over drunken eyes.

  • AB December 7, 2016 at 10:40 am

    Not sure about fake wood. Reminds me of 80s American cars.

  • Stuart S April 30, 2017 at 2:38 pm

    I couldn’t care less about the branding; they have changed the recipe and it no longer has .the crisp, fresh taste that I used to love. The new flavour has a yeasty aftertaste typical of Weiss beers which have never been my favourite.

    • Denz May 2, 2017 at 10:13 pm

      I agree with what you say about the taste Stuart. I still like it but I know what you mean about the Weiss taste. I don`t have a problem with the rebranding but I have loved the original taste of Carlsberg Ex for so long.

  • tony May 12, 2017 at 6:36 pm

    I use to drink Carlsberg Export for over 20 years, but this new recipe is awful. I thought it was to do with the new can, but the bottled ones taste as bad. I am looking for something else for my evening tipple, but I’m afraid you have lost me.

  • mel holmes August 13, 2017 at 1:34 pm

    The new branding is insiped and uninspiriing bring back the old branding and reverse the recipe

  • Dougie Reid May 31, 2021 at 7:19 pm

    Used to love the original Carlsberg Export but not liking the the pilsner. For that type of beer, normally head for 1664.

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