14 March 2002

Pizza calendar

Design: Lynn Trickett, Brian Webb and Katja Thielen Paper: Dutchman, available at the VIP A play on the fast-food industry, Trickett & Webb’s pizza calendar was sent out in a

BAA’s Turner takes on consultant role

BAA group design director Raymond Turner is leaving the airport company to pursue a broader-based career as an independent consultant, from April. Under the company name of Raymond Turner Associates,


The Arts Council of England present Pixel Raiders, a one day symposium on commentary, criticism and practice in digital art, on 19 March from 10am until 5pm. Contact: www.pixelraiders.org for


Patrick Munroe, the independent British couture house, has appointed Nucleus to revamp its identity. Work will include logo, literature, website and packaging design. The logo and website will launch at

Davenport-Firth is to leave CPB

Coley Porter Bell chairman David Davenport-Firth is to leave the group at the end of the month to become executive creative director at Shire Health Group. His departure will come

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