16 April 2009

News in Pictures

The work of Scottish glass artists will be on show in the Scottish Glass Society’s exhibition Migrate: 30 Years of Scottish Glass, which launches at Inverness Museum and Art Gallery

Yellow feast

When a brand such as Selfridges celebrates 100 years of existence, it’s a safe bet that the bells and whistles will come out. The department store will do just that

Why not share and share alike?

If the recession starts to bite and cost-cutting kicks in, you don’t have to watch your best people walk out the door never to return, says Mike Bennett As chief

Creating type in three dimensions

In the e-book era, physical manifestations of type may be destined for the museum cabinet, but enthusiasts from across the globe still relish the challenges of crafting type in three

Profile: Gareth Williams

As a museum curator, Gareth Williams is an interesting choice for a design post at the Royal College of Art. As he oversees a new exhibition at the Victoria &


The New Deal of the Mind coalition is asking the design community to propose job-creation strategies for the creative sector. What would you suggest? The Government must help in four

Pepys show

These days, everyone’s a diarist. We leave a perpetual digital trail of our lives in blogs, social networking sites, text messages and tweets. Nothing’s too trivial or mundane to record

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