December 2011

Signs for Peace cover

Signs for Peace

Signs for Peace: An Impossible Visual Encyclopedia, asks us the question, ‘Can one visualise peace?’


Page 1: Great Expectations

We all know you should never judge a book by its cover, but this first release from new publishing house GraphicDesign& asks you to judge it by its first page.

Exercise Book, by Donna Wilson

Alternative 2012 souvenirs

Already sick of limited-edition designs for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and the Ol*mp*cs? Then these alternative 2012 souvenirs could refresh your jaded palette.


Glass Couture at Vessel Gallery

Events as dramatic as near-fatal car accidents can really put things into perspective. For French glassmaker Jeremy Maxwell Wintrebert, such an accident ignited a passion to become a ‘glass master’

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From the archives: Picture Post

As we head back into our archives, here’s a gem from March 1990. Jane Lewis looks at the creative ways design firms promoted their services through mail-outs.